Thoughts with Roxy Menzies

With the first month of the year coming to an end, it’s easy to get caught up in the same previous ‘hustle and bustle’ of everyday life and forget about those New Year’s resolutions. 

If one of your goals was committing to more movement, sweating, and cardio – luckily, Wukkout!® has all of the elements to make that easier.

Studies have shown that New Year’s goals and resolutions fall by the wayside by late January/early February from nearly 80% of folks that made them! 

In recent years there has been an ‘anti-resolution’ movement; substituting words like “revolutions” or sentiments of lowering pressure on ourselves. The expectations set for January 1st, induced by a fast paced society geared towards instant gratification..  is unrealistic.

The self-help and life coaching industry have published a plethora of articles and books breaking down behavior science, habit development, motivation, and routine. Basically it comes down to this… motivation doesn’t last, at the very least it isn’t consistent and can be downright unreliable. 

We’ve all been there.

Sometimes, we just. don’t. feel. like. it.

It’s human nature. Even when we know it’s good for us and we’ll feel better afterwards. We drag ourselves to class or whatever endeavor we said we wanted to accomplish and 9 times out of 10 – feel better, have a great time, and wonder what our problem was. 

The word discipline has a negative connotation but discipline can be a useful tool and sometimes only discipline will get you through. Discipline may work alongside routine and like everything in life, it’s about striking the right balance. 

Phrases like “discipline is freedom” or “limitation creates manifestation” offer an outlook, not of rigidity but rather simplicity in an overstimulated world. It’s the answer to overwhelm from having too many choices. It’s similar to going to a restaurant with a smaller, selective menu vs. one with pages of an endless amount of options. The latter is overwhelming and tends to have less qualitative dishes. Building routine and discipline can be the answer to consistently meeting your goals and staying on track, especially when motivation is weaning. 

So how do you build up discipline and routine? 

With Joy! 

For Wukkout! fans – you’ve already done that! Your love for soca music, a good wine, carnival, and Caribbean culture keep you coming back and building up that routine and discipline (probably doesn’t feel like discipline, but it is). 

But, how do we find joy in the mundane things? 

Or when we’re just starting out? 

This may be your moment to flex your creative muscles and create and find joy (make it a game, fake it til ya make it) or find your tribe and recruit some accountability.

How are you building up routines and finding joy?

Writer, dancer, and educator; Roxy Menzies has been around the globe infusing artistry, knowledge and soul into her work with movement. When she isn't working on her first book about the 1st Black Pilates elder, who was instrumental in the world of dance -- she's ready to grab har flag and wine it like nobody's watching!