Mind Body Connection with Dr. Tyrone - December 2020

The Holidays, Covid-19, and Working Out

Hello Team Wukkout!,

As 2020 is ending, and the holidays are quickly approaching, now more than ever, it’s essential to maintain our fitness goals.  Even now, as we live in a world with COVID-19, how we spent our holidays last year might be different this year.  What is consistent is our commitment to our full well-being, and working out is one of them.  When quarantining started back in March, I had a challenging time wanting or even starting my work out routine.  Everything changed, my work, research, teaching responsibilities all went online, and I worked from home full-time.  It was a significant adjustment, and my priority was to find my “groove” in this new normal.  Therefore, I was not working out and felt utterly stressed.  Then the summer hit; I was still working from home but felt the need for something different.  Something that genuinely nourished and fulfilled me outside of my work.   I wanted to start working out again, but I didn’t know where to begin.  My fitness journey began in 2012 by doing at-home dance cardio fitness and strengthening workout routines.  Eventually, I joined a gym and then began working out outside of my home.  When I moved to Boston, all my progress over the years took a backseat, as I was adjusting to a new position, role, and city.  In July of this year, I reflected on my fitness journey and realized I began working out at home, so why not start that again.  I joined Wukkout! On-Demand and incorporated various calisthenics and strengthening routines. 

As I started my first week, it was a struggle! My ego got the best of me, and I voiced a lot of “this shouldn’t be this hard,”; “why can’t I hold a plank longer than 10 seconds”; “dancing to Sully didn’t feel that hard for me last year.”  Recharging my fitness routine was a humbling experience that allowed me to set better intentions and incorporate positive affirmations when things got challenging.  Fitness is a form of training and a journey.  The adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” is a true testament of beginning, restarting, or recharging your workouts.  


Working out during the holidays (in the middle of a pandemic) might be challenging, but here are some questions to ask yourself to ground your intentions:

  • What lead you to start your fitness journey?

  • What are your goals for your physical and mental well-being?  How does working-out fit in that?

  • In what ways can you enjoy all that the holidays entail while keeping your commitment to your fitness/wellness goals?

  • When you finished working out, how do you feel physically and emotionally?

  • During the holidays, are there certain times during the day or evening you can commit to working out? 

Having a plan in place is critical to maintaining your fitness commitment.  The above questions are necessary to reflect on so that you can make the proper decision on how to begin, restart, or recharge your workout.  Most importantly, give yourself grace.  Working out shouldn’t only be focused on looking good, but giving back to yourself and your body.  For me, fitness helps me devote time to myself while bringing me joy.  We only have one life and body; how can we make the best of it? 

Below are some additional things to keep in mind and tips as you make a plan for yourself:

  1. Planning ahead and getting prepared can make a difference.  Think about small, simple, and concrete steps you can do.  Maybe going for a brisk walk after a meal, doing a Quick Wuk via Wukkout! On-Demand, or incorporating burpees, jumping jacks, or squats.  Whatever you decide upon, the key is having a plan ahead of time

  2. Sometimes our best-laid plans don’t often go as planned.  Having a backup plan, especially if you are unsure what your time would look like, is necessary.  If doing a Quick Wuk won’t work, if the weather permits, going for a walk or keeping active such as playing with younger family members can also be excellent plan B’s.  

  3. R E S T.  The holidays can be great, but it can also be stressful for many folks.  If managing your family members is all you can mentally do during the holidays, maybe taking a break, meditate, journaling, or reflecting is what you need to do before you restart, recharge or begin your workout.  It’s okay to pause and the most important thing for you to do, especially during these times, is to give yourself grace.  Fitness doesn’t have to feel like a chore.  You decide what is essential to maintain your well-being and sanity.  Be open to whatever you need at that moment.  

Pro-Tip for Wukkout! On-Demand subscribers:

If you are looking for ways of increasing the intensity even more in your Wukkout! On-Demand experience; try doing a Full Wuk and Quick Wuk.  Let me know how it goes.  

Until next time,

Dr. Tyrone


Waehner, P. (2020, May 27).  Staying active and in shape during the holidays.  Verywell Fit. https://www.verywellfit.com/exercise-during-the-holidays-1231555