Thoughts with Roxy Menzies

Researchers have finally concluded what we've known and felt for some time – that physical activity positively affects mental health.

A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine analyzed 1039 trials involving 128 119 adult participants. Participants varied from individuals with mental health conditions to healthy individuals to those with various chronic ailments.

The study increased physical activity from walking, pilates, yoga, aerobics, and strength training. They then assessed depression, anxiety, and psychological distress.

In conclusion, adding physical activity had a greater positive effect on mental health than usual care.

Now, before you say "BYE Felicia" to your therapist or trash any medications to 'wine' off into the sunset, it's important to note that the study suggests that exercise be a main factor in treatment. NOT the only treatment. Nor is the suggestion to forgo seeking help or guidance from a mental health professional.

While many mental health professionals believe that exercise can benefit mental health, most never speak in absolutes and will always look at what the individual needs.

Wukkout! (our favorite soca-based workout), from day one, has been on a mission to get individuals out of their heads and into their bodies to feel free, get healthy, and have fun in a welcoming and non-judgemental environment. It's very much a reflection of the cultural experience of Carnival – to sweat and have fun where all bodies are welcome.

So what exactly happens when we exercise? 

(especially when it's soca infused to get our heart rates up).

When we exercise, our heart beats faster, increasing blood flow by pumping blood and oxygen to our muscles. So if you've ever read that exercising makes you more alert and allows you to function at a higher level, it's because of that extra blood and oxygen! 

What else happens to our brains when we exercise?

Those chemicals in our brain change, such as stress hormones, and those feel-good endorphins and, oh yea… serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter known for stabilizing your mood and well-being.

Our bodies (and brains) are pretty remarkable when given specific information. In this case, movement (and excellent music) makes them respond positively. It's just another good reason to get moving! Remember, overall health factors in exercise's mental, emotional, and physical attributes, amongst other aspects (nutrition, environment etc).

So for all of you Wukkout! fans, this is just another reason to keep up what you're doing (or add in more if that feels right). For newbies contemplating starting a soca-based workout, there's no better time to start.

Make sure to check the schedule to find out about upcoming classes in your area and in New York City's Neighborhood Health Action Centers. Wukkout! has always been about community and that’s why they've periodically partnered with The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Did you know Wukkout! Is available on-demand? You can get your workout in as little as 20 minutes and up to an hour.

Writer, dancer, and educator; Roxy Menzies has been around the globe infusing artistry, knowledge and soul into her work with movement. When she isn't working on her first book about the 1st Black Pilates elder, who was instrumental in the world of dance -- she's ready to grab har flag and wine it like nobody's watching!