Guyanese Style Saltfish & Bake

Hello Team Wukkout!

We are back with another Caribbean recipe from Metemgee Blog Founder, Althea Brown.

Saltfish & Bake is Wukkout! Founder, Krista’s, favorite West Indian dish so we thought it’s about time we share the recipe with all of you.

Now below you will find Althea’s recipe for Saltfish, along with a link to her Gluten-Free Bakes recipe. If you do not have a gluten intolerance and wish to try the traditional Bakes recipe, you can find it on her site here.

Metemgee Blog, Guyanese Style Bakes Recipe

From Metemgee:
Sautéed Salt [Salted] Fish is a staple throughout the Caribbean. Drying fish was a method used in preserving fish. It gives the fish a distinct texture… When I was a little girl, cooking salt fish was a time consuming task. The whole dried fish was filled with bones that need to be removed after boiling. This task was often one given to the children. I loved eating salt fish but HATED having to pick bones from the fish before my mom could cook it. Today, life is so easy, I can buy boneless, skinless salt fish filets!

Find the Full Recipe Here:
